An End, A Beginning | GoGiveLearn.com
Our sabbatical year is officially over. The fact that we are sad to close the circle is but a sign of the incredible year it has been. As we completed moving our household belongings out of storage, and into a new apartment, an odd but cleansing feeling washed over me. We are rested, we are renewed, and we are ready. Our year out of the norm has given us an opportunity to see our home town, our lifestyle, and our own global citizenship with new eyes. Grateful for all that transpires (easy and difficult), we know that every experience contributes to our learning. Now settling into a home space that is half the size of the house we lived in for nine years, we are happy to unpack our bags and call it "home." Our intent is to maintain the healthy habits and balanced lifestyle that we enjoyed immensely in Ecuador. The kids have settled back into their schools in Asheville. Bob started a job with WNC Alliance this week and Carrie is working on a couple of global education contracts. We will