First Week in Peru | GoGiveLearn.com
In case you are wondering...we are having a ball! My mind and senses overflow with new stimuli. Spending this kind of time with my family truly is a dream come true. All sights and sounds lure our attention and curiosity. We talk about our experiences, our language school, our visits to Inca ruins. We get tired to the point of giddiness, and we sleep soundly, awaking with excitement for each new day. Less than two weeks in Peru and it seems that months have passed. Enjoy the photos of our first week in Peru. There are two ways to view; 1) The slideshow is lower resolution, but is in order and accompanied by South American music (by Samay) and 2) The album in the blog gallery which has higher resolution photos. Time to rest my eyes, my mind, my ears, and my spirit. Buenas Noches. https://vimeo.com/40860078 (click here to see slide show on Vimeo)