Good Cause #1 World Vision Water Project | GoGiveLearn.com
Last weekend I had the opportunity to be part of something good. Nearly 5,000 runners participated in the 13.1 NYC Half Marathon that raised $250,000 to provide clean water for families in Africa through a World Vision project. Because of the support of many friends and family, my part was raising enough money for 22 kids to have safe water for the rest of their lives. Having lived in Uganda for 3 years, the run had a special significance for me. I carried all our water in 5-gallon jerry cans from the river, boiled it, then allowed time for all the particles to settle before using it. Many of our neighbors though couldn’t afford the fuel to boil their water and as a result suffered illness. Our souls yearn to belong to something good, something right, something inspirational. We want to make a difference. I was lucky to run around Queens on a beautiful Saturday morning with a bunch of other people also on a mission. Throughout our sabbatical year we will be searching out “good