End of Quite An Experience
I yawned as the movie began. The fourth one in less than ten hours, watching movies on flights really does pass the time. Thirty hours after we left Nepal, including a long ten-hour layover in New York, we arrived in Charlotte, North Carolina. On the drive back to Asheville from the airport we stopped at Cracker Barrel. A meal of eggs, bacon, grits, biscuits, and sweet tea satiated my appetite, for food and for home. Ah, food of the South. Now for some barbeque…
It feels like just yesterday that Dawson and I set out on this adventure, yet here we are with the whole trip behind us. Our trip to Nepal was truly fantastic. We are glad to have been able to help and it was definitely a meaningful way to spend our summer. From our time volunteering, to the trek to Annapurna Base Camp, to bungee jumping and paragliding, to making new international friends, to traveling to the jungle, and especially to all the unforeseen events, our five-week trip was quite the adventure. Neither Dawson nor I will ever forget our summer before college.
Although we are sad to see our trip to come to a close, the real journey is only beginning. Our experiences in Nepal will help us as we go through college and onward through life. There is something refreshing about returning home. It is good to see family and friends again, to sleep in my own bed. As our trip ends, I would like to thank all of you who have supported us, and for taking time to read these mumblings of two youthful sojourners (aka our blog). The trip was really great. Now on to the next chapter.
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