What’s the GIVE?
GoGiveLearn. Looking back through our blogposts, I realize that there is adequate (but not complete) representation of Go: where we went, what we saw, and how we experienced immersion into another culture. There are bits of Learn, but far more to come as we we apply new skills in our home, schools, and workplaces. (Stay tuned […]

Capturing Life, Preserving Memories
I awoke to soft pitter-patter on the rooftop, looked out my bedroom window, and saw the warm glow of a new day. There was no rain. When I looked out the kitchen door on the other side of our house, I was reminded of the big volcanic boom that had awoken me hours earlier. And […]

Only in Galápagos
The sea lion barely opened an eye as I walked past him, snoozing in the middle of the sidewalk. He was drunk on salt water and fish. Only in Galápagos. Ten meters down, I jumped over the endemic marine iguana, bathing in the Galápagos inferno. I breathed in the fresh sea breeze, and took in […]

Day of the Dead
Never before have I experienced a day quite like Dia de Los Muertos. In the week preceding November 2, I asked several people, “What happens on Dia de Los Muertos?” “People visit the cemetery.” Simple Enough. As it turns out, the whole week leading to Nov. 2 was one of preparation for this very important […]

They Marched off in Uniforms
Every year is different, but somehow the same. Though I didn’t shed tears, this morning I had that same hole in my gut that I had when I dropped them in nursery school the first day. Are they ready? Will they be okay? Are they scared, nervous, or insecure? My anxiety ramped up a notch […]

At Home in Baños
Finalmente! After nearly six months of travel, we are planting our feet in Baños. Out of several cities we visited, we chose this one to live in for the remainder of our time in Ecuador. We hoped and prayed that all the pieces would come together for us to settle here. And they have. Adam […]

When I get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, I have no idea where I am nor which way to turn. We are in the middle of a two month stint of traveling, experiencing the challenges and freedom of nomads. Carrying all of our belongings in backpacks and “immigrant sacks”‘ […]

Gracias Montaña
Carrie, Adam, Benjamin and I, along with our friends Patrick and Andreas from Sweden, two other visiting climbers, and guided by Adrian, summited Ccampa Nevado (18,015 feet). Using ice axes, crampons, and ropes, drinking in the little oxygen available, placing one foot in front of another, we were rewarded with an incredible sense of accomplishment […]

Phase 2 – Practicar Español!
We were sad to leave our language school; not only because it symbolized “sink or swim,” but more so because we have developed relationships with our teachers. 20 hours per week with one-one-one tutors has given us a great foundation for the rules, grammar and vocabulary of Spanish. Now, it will take loads of practice […]

Adam’s Photos of Cusco, Peru
Here are more general shots of places we have visited. Enjoy!

Adam’s Photos of Women’s Hats
I have uploaded some photographs of places we have visited. Enjoy! [Show as slideshow]
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