At Home in Baños

Posted by on Aug 27, 2012 in Carrie, Ecuador, Photo Gallery, Travel, World School | 11 Comments
At Home in Baños

Finalmente! After nearly six months of travel, we are planting our feet in Baños. Out of several cities we visited, we chose this one to live in for the remainder of our time in Ecuador. We hoped and prayed that all the pieces would come together for us to settle here. And they have. Adam and Benjamin will attend a public high school that has a specialty in art. Adam will have the opportunity to study under the famous Ecuadorian artist, Edwin Barrerra.  At this same school, Carrie will teach photography. Bob is pursuing other volunteer work opportunities.

Both boys start in a soccer league next week and will begin taking charango lessons again very soon. Currently, we are house/dog sitting for folks who have gone to Switzerland for vacation and we will rent a house from October through December. It’s all just perfect.

Stories from our travels will follow, but in the meantime, here are photo galleries of a few things we have seen over the past month in Ecuador. Certainly two highlights have been the whales off the coast of Puerto Lopez and the active volcano here in Baños.



Ayampe / Puerto Lopez:




Baños photos to come!




  1. Bonnie Parker
    August 28, 2012

    It’s great seeing all of these pictures of your adventures! I can’t wait for the stories behind them. I’m glad that you are settled now for the remainder of your time. Miss you!

  2. ej
    August 28, 2012

    Congrats on choosing Banos…was my choice also, back in 1990. New Years Eve in Banos was the most interesting N.Y. celebration I’ve ever attended, all the rag dolls built and displayed with statements…never really understood those statements due to faulty spanish. Block parties on every corner with the rag doll burning at midnight. Then everyone danced till dawn. Banos was the first place I ever studied Spanish. I still recall when the family I lived with served me chicken soup with the feet in it.
    I love reading all the travelogues from everyone…will look forward to hearing about the public school there…teaching photography…the experience the four of you have.

    • Carrie
      September 3, 2012

      EJ, thanks for your note. Neat that you love this place too. I just posted a picture on FB of chicken feet in my soup. I hope we’ll get a chance to catch up with each other one day in person. If would be fun for you to meet our boys. Take Care!

  3. Jo Jo
    August 29, 2012

    I just loved the photos from the beaches – they were amazing – the whales, the birds, the rocks on the beach and the portraits of the boys. I can’t believe how much they have grown and matured. Thanks for sharing your experiences. jo

    • Carrie
      September 3, 2012

      JoJO, thanks for keeping up with us. Yes, our boys are growing up and they are maturing in so many ways. We needed you and Woody the other day – we bought used mountain bikes – will enjoy them for the rest of our time here in Baños and then sell them. Baños is a real playground for outdoor sports. Come visit us!

  4. David Miller
    August 30, 2012

    Hey you all! Thanks for sharing the adventure and the challenges. The pictures are soooo cool. hey do you all need any animated titles for your videos? Let me what you would like and I’ll make some for you! Blessings

    • Carrie
      September 3, 2012

      David, thanks for your offer. That sounds cool. The kids start school tomorrow so our lives are about to change drastically. Perhaps we can Skype with you after our dust has settled. Stay well dear friend.

  5. Mandy
    September 4, 2012

    The pictures are amazing – can’t wait to hear some of the tales that go with them. The markets are beautiful but look crowded and a bit overwhelming. What’s up with all the pigs at the market? Are they being sold?

    Thanks for taking and sharing so many pictures of Adam and Benjamin. Wow, can’t believe how much they have grown and matured.

    So glad you have found a home for the next few months. That must be a huge relief. Good luck settling in to life in Bonas.

    Love you,

    • Carrie
      September 9, 2012

      Hey Mandy!Thank you for your response. That particular market was an animal market. All livestock (from baby chicks to cows to pigs, guinea pigs, cats, dogs) are bought and sold. It was very entertaining!Every day offers a new adventure. This is what we love about travel.We recently bought 2 mountain bikes so we can scoot around with ease. Benjamin and I just returned from the Sunday market on bikes carrying fresh fruits and veges in our backpacks on the way home. We have not missed having a car one bit! Love you, Carrie

  6. Carol Anders
    September 4, 2012

    I love the pictures, I am a vicarious traveller nowadays, so these and the others have been a great for me to see! The vibrant colors and smiling faces really resonatnt with me, thank you …..enjoy your settled in living…

    • Carrie
      September 5, 2012

      Thanks Carol. Great to hear from you. I am slowly sorting through all of my pictures. It’s a lot of work, but much gratification in seeing where we have been and all we have seen. We are grateful.


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