Friends to Miss

Posted by on Mar 12, 2012 in Benjamin, Pre-departure | 8 Comments
Friends to Miss

Cake War on my last day! With my friend Laura.

It’s only been like two days, but I miss all my friends already! On my last day of school, I had a good day. I wore my CocaCola pajamas to school, even though its against dress code. (what are they going to do, suspend me my last day?) I had a lot of support from friends and it made me feel better that I got a bunch of letters and 3 cakes, like nice whole big cakes!! I got in an epic cake war with my friend Laura as you can see. They must’ve been happy to see me leave! (I hope not.) I know that I might have a good time but I am going to miss my friends no matter what. I hope you guys don’t forget me and I hope I can stay in touch somehow besides this blog.


  1. Lorelle Bacon
    March 15, 2012

    Hi Benjamin,
    I know you will miss your friends, but think about all the new ones you will make during this exciting year! I look forward to reading all about your new adventures! Miss Lorelle

  2. Mrs. Krupnick
    March 18, 2012

    Hello Benjamin!

    I am Jon Krupnick’s mother! You all played Challenge Soccer together! I am hear to say that your friends will not forget you! Speaking from the experience of our short, four month trip around the world (India, Egypt, Turkey, Greece and Italy) your friends will miss you, but they will keep up through the blog and not forget you! This is an incredible experience that you will treasure forever! You are quite fortunate! Plus, you will return being able to speak Spanish, no doubt! Safe travels! I look forward to hearing more! Take care, Mrs. Krupnick

  3. Laura!!! :)
    March 31, 2012

    Hey Ben!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you 1070000000000000000 billion times more than you could ever know haha u rocked those coke pjs!!!! Lol well I still want you to FaceTime me!!!!!! your my best friend forever!!!!!I love you!!!!!!!! Everybody misses you like crazy!!!! just so u know calling me Landry isn’t a insult 😉 haha math class!!! Well love you bye!!!!!

  4. Lukila Witthoeft
    March 31, 2012

    Ben! Somehow this blog thing came up on Facebook so I’m going to write on it. I talk to you every single day or I at least try to. I made you one of those awesome cakes and I hope you lived well I know you did because you told me. It’s sad we only got to hang out once and that was going to the basketball game but I had a great time! You’re my high off life buddy forever and ever! I miss you tons boy! -Lukila

  5. Laurel Sales
    April 4, 2012

    BEN! dude it seems like you’ve been gone forever! we already miss you like…..we can’t explain how much. i love talking to you every day! sorry i couldn’t make you any food when you left but i made you a picture (which i better at than cooking). i hope you liked my picture 🙂 by the way band is not the same without you. school is not the same without you!

  6. elias
    May 2, 2012


  7. Nicole
    May 17, 2012

    Hey Ben! 🙂
    Just read your blog and wanted to let you know I LOVE Coca Cola too!!!!! :)) Haha!
    Hope you are able to stay in contact with all your friends through this site and other ways. I’m sure they all miss you, but enjoy the great experiences you can make in South America. You’ll surely never forget it all your life.
    Miss you,
    — Nicole

  8. Alyssa Baker
    May 20, 2012

    BEN. I miss you! come back soon. I hope your having fun though


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