Gracias Montaña

Carrie, Adam, Benjamin and I, along with our friends Patrick and Andreas from Sweden, two other visiting climbers, and guided by Adrian, summited Ccampa Nevado (18,015 feet). Using ice axes, crampons, and ropes, drinking in the little oxygen available, placing one foot in front of another, we were rewarded with an incredible sense of accomplishment and one of earth’s most spectacular views. The poem below was written by an Italian that successfully climbed Mount Everest and tragically died climbing a mountain in Peru.
For giving me life lessons,
By struggling I learn to enjoy rest,
By sweating I learn to appreciate
a sip of fresh water,
Tired, I stop to admire the wonder of a flower,
the freedom of a flight of birds,
to breathe the scent of simplicity.
When I am immersed in silence,
I see myself in the mirror. Scared I admit
my need for truth and love.
Through suffering I taste the joy of the peak,
And those things that lead to happiness,
that are only obtained with effort.
Those who do not suffer;
can never understand.
Battistino Bonali
Sally WEldon
July 11, 2012I’m completely in awe and totally jealous! Great Climb! Thanks for keep up all up with your travels – helps when you are stuck in one place!
July 11, 2012Hi Sally. It is as good as it looks. Now in Ecuador and sorting out where we will pitch our tent for a few months… Have spent some time with Lisa Forehand (and family) here in Cuenca. Good fun to see them. Hope you are doing GREAT!
July 13, 2012So climbing Butler Mountain in the winter won’t be a big deal anymore!
Envy your experiences…
July 13, 2012Chuck,
It may not be as challenging, but climbing Butler Mountain will always be special – and a beautiful hike.Hope you guys are well. Loved the recent picture of Meagan. Thanks for staying in touch.
July 15, 2012awesome you guys!!! what great condition you guys must be in. Guess Margarita Peak was good practice for this one. Congratulations.
I hope Ecuador is working out well for you, look forward to hearing all about it.
peace and aloha,
July 17, 2012Hi Bob, Carrie, Adam, and Benjamin,
I sooooo enjoy reading about your exciting travels and seeing the oh so colorful pictures. Thanks for sharing a small peice of your journey. The hike/summit looks spectacular – what an experience. Hope you guys are well. Think of you lots. Love you all.
Jo Jo
July 24, 2012Wow, that is quite an impressive accomplishment and what a gorgeous mountain and view. Loved all the colorful shots of the locals. What an exciting trip for all of you – I know all the hard work it took to plan this and pull it off has been well worth it. Love, jo