First Week in Peru

Posted by on Apr 24, 2012 in Cusco, Peru, World School | 14 Comments
First Week in Peru

peru-first-week007         In case you are wondering…we are having a ball!

My mind and senses overflow with new stimuli. Spending this kind of time with my family truly is a dream come true. All sights and sounds lure our attention and curiosity. We talk about our experiences, our language school, our visits to Inca ruins. We get tired to the point of giddiness, and we sleep soundly, awaking with excitement for each new day.

Less than two weeks in Peru and it seems that months have passed. Enjoy the photos of our first week in Peru. There are two ways to view; 1) The slideshow is lower resolution, but is in order and accompanied by South American music (by Samay) and 2) The album in the blog gallery which has higher resolution photos. Time to rest my eyes, my mind, my ears, and my spirit. Buenas Noches. (click here to see slide show on Vimeo)



  1. Tommy M
    April 25, 2012

    love the pics!

  2. Tina Owen
    April 25, 2012

    Love it!! Gorgeous and inspiring.

  3. Lehman/Poulos Family
    April 25, 2012


    I was wondering how you’re liking nomadic life. Thanks so much for sharing the adventure in this way. I am soooooooo envious. Surely more so than you may have been that we were staying home and not having to step out of our lives.

    Is there a private way to email you? I’d love to get you caught up with our life, but not bore other readers.


  4. Laura Branan
    April 25, 2012

    Love the colors! Can’t wait to show my 6th grade daughter these photos since her social studies project is on a country near Peru, Chile.

    • Carrie
      April 26, 2012


      This place is a photographer’s dream. Wait until you see Adam’s photos. His are much better than mine. He has a camera with a super zoom. I love that he is taking such interest in photography. It’s fun to share that with my children. Normally, its Bob and the boys watching sports on TV and me doing my own thing – but photography is providing a great thing to share with my oldest son. Hope you are well!

  5. Katherine Soto
    April 25, 2012

    Hi everyone!,

    Congratulations! You’ve made it to such a wonderful place. I wish I was there with you. Your big photo above looks like Sacsayhuamán that overlooks Cusco (we also called it sexy woman when we were there.) Talk about a place of enchantment. It’s where Alejandro and I met and I’ve been enchanted ever since! Thanks for sharing. We look forward to all the photos and tales you will tell. Have fun!


    • Carrie
      April 26, 2012


      Yes, the photo is at “Sexy woman.” What an amazing place. Neat to hear that it is an important part of your personal history as well. We’re loving it here. Greetings to Alexandro too!

  6. Jo Jo
    April 25, 2012

    Sounds like y’all are having a blast. The photos on the video were awesome and I loved the music. So glad things are going great!

  7. patti garrott
    April 26, 2012


    I enjoyed reading about your day. Peru sounds wonderful. Your pics are beautiful. I am sorry I missed your phone call before you left. I’m just grateful for this connection so we can keep up with your life. Hugs and prayers are headed your way…..patti

    • Carrie
      April 26, 2012

      Thanks Patti. We miss you guys! Hope you are well!I missed your birthday – happy belated!!

  8. Cinthia
    April 26, 2012


    I am doing re-writes for your story and looked up your blog. The pictures are stunning. The colors are amazing. So wonderful. You sound happy and in love with your surroundings. Enjoy and have your Sabbath rest!

    • Carrie
      April 26, 2012

      Thanks Cinthia. Peru is beautiful and we are having a rich experience so far. Need any other info from me for the article? Will I get to read it before its published?

  9. Debby
    April 28, 2012

    Lisa sent me the blog website today. The photos brought tears to my eyes. So glad you to be able to look in on what we are missing. 🙂

  10. Gae
    May 3, 2012

    Just getting caught up on your lives through pictures and words! Absolutely stunning and beautiful! (Do I sense another book in the future? Perhaps mother/son photos?) Miss all of you tremendously but so happy for your amazing journey! You are doing it, girlfriend!!!


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